Embrace your Hygge & Rest with me this winter

What is Hygge?

“Hygge” is a Danish word that describes a Scandinavian concept of contentment and coziness that comes from enjoying life's simple pleasures. Often associated with winter-time, Hygge invokes feelings of plush sensuality, and invites us to cozy up by the fire with a book in hand, a hot mug of our favorite tea or hot chocolate, snuggle up with a blanket in our cozy slippers, listen to relaxing music, and slowly savor the sweetness of life.

Our Bodies Need Rest

Do you find that you get super tired in the wintertime, as the days get colder and longer? Even though the world around us keeps on going at full-speed ahead, our bodies just don’t want to comply!

Because they are creatures of NATURE! We have these beautiful animal mammal bodies that NEED REST in the dark days of winter. So much more rest than we can give them.

Hi, I’m Kristin

Come, winter along-side me

Let’s replenish together.

Five years ago, I discovered anew the incredible magic of winter, when I began observing Winter Solstice and Imbolc (halfway between winter solstice and the spring equinox). It opened me up so much to the value of slowing down and hibernating along with Mother Earth, and I grew a deep appreciation for living in harmony with the cycles of the seasons.

I’m personally in a season of rest and restoration, and I’ve deliberately rested more over the winter for a few years now. I’ve learned the value of taking time to let my body do what she needs - and rest!

But I know so many of us need more rest!

To be in our full bloom, we need to embrace every season. In winter, we get the chance to rest and compost.

When we take time to consciously REST, we replenish our life force, we have greater capacity to move forward with energy come spring, we get sick less, and we have increased emotional resources to navigate our days.

That’s why I decided - and feel delighted! -

to invite you to rest alongside me this winter season.

My deepest wish is that you come to know in your bones, that you are SACRED, HOLY, and WORTHY -

And deserving of deep care!

Introducing Hygge Circles

Take a moment of your life to BE and REST

Here’s what we’re going to do:

  • We’ll meet for 90 min online via Zoom

  • Come as many times as you like

  • Each circle is $11 to join

  • Bring a cup of tea, a warm blanket, put on those cozy slippers, light a candle, and be prepared to rest and just BE

  • I’ll guide us through a gentle grounding meditation and invocation

  • We’ll share a little about ourselves and our intentions

  • We’ll perform a simple ritual to help deepen our rest

  • I’ll put on some gentle music

  • We’ll rest together in (mostly) silent companionship

  • We’ll convene at the end to share our experiences

  • You will come away feeling rested, refreshed, comforted, and surrounded with love and support.

Sign up for your online Hygge Circles Here

Click on the button for each circle you wish to join:

A Zoom link & more info will be emailed to you as soon as you register!

May our time together bring you REST and more PEACE, Beloved!