• We may feel stuck in trying to express our true opinions about things, especially when they’re controversial.

  • Our nervous systems feel unsafe when we experience strong emotions, like anger, sadness, or jealousy.

  • We may struggle to say no, set boundaries, and make clear, direct requests in relationships.

  • We feel WILDLY uncomfortable with confrontation and conflict!

  • We may not even be in touch with our bodies, let alone be able to trust them.

  • And on it goes….

So now –

Why do so many women struggle to feel confident in expressing themselves? Especially those who’ve grown up in a patriarchal culture?

From interacting with Mormon women for most of my life, living as a Mormon for decades myself, and after going through a faith journey,

I see that . . .

  • We spent so much of our lives pleasing other people that we became resentful, exhausted, and out of touch with ourselves.

  • We worked so hard to be “worthy” to exacting standards, that we constantly felt we couldn’t measure up.

  • We learned that saying no or expressing opposition was dangerous, especially to male authority.

  • Our bodies were shamed – we learned it was our fault if someone made unwanted advances.

  • And SO. MUCH. MORE.

I get it. I’ve worked through this. And I’ve helped women like you create an experience of themselves as worthy, beloved, and valued.

  • More confidently stand your ground when confronted.

  • Set clearer boundaries, without guilt or fear.

  • Better understand the wisdom in your emotions.

  • Have the courage to treat yourself with greater compassion.

  • Be more fully seen & heard by the people in your life.

  • Know undeniably how to express with strength.

  • Feel more connected to your body.

  • Feel clear in knowing what you want.


Through our work together, you will:

  • Megan Watson, Texas

    "I was trying to hold back the waterfall of my self-expression, and now I can communicate more freely with work-related things and in relationships. I feel an alleviation of stress and anxiety, it feels really good. My intentions during our hour together were well-exceeded."

  • JoDell Davidson, Utah

    "Kristin got where I was at pretty quickly and was able to connect with me on levels I really valued. I wanted help with holding onto myself in relationships and being present during conflict.

    Our conversation on expression through clothing lit me up so much. As I've embraced and explored that, I'm feeling more confident expressing myself in other ways. I loved the meditations she took me through to get to know different parts of myself. The work on setting internal boundaries was transformational and continues to be. The foundational work we did is helping in so many areas that we didn't address directly. It was a launching pad. I'm holding onto myself better. I feel like I can show up in ways I couldn't before. "

  • Julie Middleton, Utah

    "I was looking for someone to be a safe space and help me find my Knowing and better recognize my voice and myself. Through our work together, I've made connections between who I am today and the coping mechanisms I used when very young. I have more deep tenderness towards my inner self. I am present and nourishing to myself in ways that make a big difference, and I have more tenderness towards those around me. I have been able to have difficult conversations with close family and set boundaries to keep myself safe. I am seeing myself create inner safety in small practical ways. I am finding the courage to claim my own identity in new and powerful ways."

    "Kristin can really help those who are leaving behind harmful churches or relationships, who could use a safe person to help them recognize their own voice and knowing in the midst of chaos and healing."

Welcome to

Expression Coaching

for women coming out of major transition

and rebuilding their lives


I’m with you.

I went from being an active, devoted Mormon woman, to unexpectedly navigating through religious trauma.

Within a year, I found myself embarking on a path with the Divine Feminine and leaving my religion.

It has taken me years to understand my religious & cultural conditioning. It has impacted my self-confidence, my connection to my body, being able to ask for what I need, feeling heard and seen by others, and more. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably experienced similar things.

As a voice teacher of 20+ years, and a women’s circle facilitator, I’ve seen a lot of women like us struggle to feel confident, to show up well in conflict, or to even know what they want. I see them feel uncomfortable with saying no and expressing strong feelings. I see them disconnected to their bodies, and much of the time, to their intuition.

I have seen that as women develop their singing voices, they start to speak up for themselves. They get more aware of their bodies, and as they explore the sounds they can make, their self-image and confidence expands. They are able to express themselves more clearly and authentically.

This is why I have created My Voice Matters Expression Coaching.

This unique 1:1 coaching program is a comprehensive approach to expanding voice and self-expression. It combines my expertise with voice, circle facilitation, inner work, clearing practices, movement, acting, and my gifts as an intuitive channel.

Through our work together, you will create a succession of lived experiences and inner shifts that will enable you to develop a more authentic voice and expand your confidence.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

I believe women are sacred – our bodies, our voices, our gifts, and desires. And I believe that when we nourish our voices, we take our power back. I believe we deserve to love ourselves as we are. 

It's time to get your voice back. It’s time to get yourself back.

Go ahead, book some time to chat. You’re so worth it.

Speak with Power and Grace

Invite Others to See and Honor You

Get the personalized support you deserve, so you can use your voice

to create a better life, and a better world.

In our 4-month package of 9 sessions, wisdom oracle reading, and custom ritual ceremony, we will:

  • Assess your needs and struggles

  • Set clear Intentions around what you want to experience and change

  • Work powerful tools of vocal expression through singing and speech

  • Identify blocks and challenges

  • Use clearing techniques to get through extra-sticky hurdles

  • Check-in on homework and life practice

  • Connect with Spirit through a wisdom oracle reading for specific guidance with your expression challenges


  • Contact me via voice messaging to receive additional high-touch support.

  • Work the practices we discuss in coaching sessions.

  • Create insight by completing exercises in your workbook.

  • Receive bonus meditation recordings to listen to between sessions to support your expansion.


Our work culminates in a custom-designed ritual ceremony to support you in deeply embody your voice and power.

  • We craft your ceremony together, bringing in elements and rituals that are deeply personal and meaningful to you.

  • We meet for up to 2 hours and go deep into ceremony.

  • We debrief together and digest your experience.


Transformation within a coaching environment takes both of us to happen.

Your agreement, should you accept it:

  • Be open to trying new things.

  • Make time in your schedule to do the homework and clearing practices we will cover in our sessions,

  • Show up on time, with a curious, willing mindset.

  • Take the bold steps to show up differently in your life (we will set this goal together).

  • Lean IN during the week, whenever you feel uncomfortable, and ask for support.

  • Be willing to feel the discomfort of growth.

  • Practice treating yourself with compassion.



Most coaching packages with this type of high-touch support, personal oracle reading,

and custom-designed ritual ceremony cost $2-5K. Some are over $10K.

But, it is my desire to offer a financially accessible package that can offer you a great deal of support in making lasting transformations in your confidence and self-expression.

One Up-front Payment of $1555

Four Installments of $389

Hi, I’m Kristin!

It is my joy to cheer you on and see you shine!

In my voice studio, I began to see that as my clients experienced the raw power of their voices flowing through their bodies, vibrating every cell with sound, it changed how they saw and experienced themselves.

Suddenly they realized they were more powerful, more beautiful than they had imagined.

It is breathtaking to behold.

I get so excited when I see a woman, who has struggled to speak up for herself, find the strength inside to say no, no more.

There is nothing more beautiful to me than to see a woman who has been under the weight of self-judgement, to believe in herself, to know she is worthy.

It is my honor to be your guide.

Are you ready for the journey?


  • You want to feel more confident.

  • You want to be more fully expressed in your work.

  • You want to feel more at ease in your relationships.

  • Sometimes it’s been scary for you to say no or set boundaries.

  • Sometimes you feel wildly uncomfortable with conflict.

  • You feel you’ve often had to alter yourself to fit in or be “acceptable” as a woman.

  • You are rebuilding your sense of self after a huge life transition.

  • You are a woman who struggles to find the words to speak up in uncomfortable circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions you may be asking yourself:

  • You know because you are committing to do your “homework” after our sessions. What you will receive is custom-designed coaching for your needs and goals, clearing tools to work through things that have been holding you back, and support from me anytime you ask for it. But if you don’t come to your sessions, use the clearing tools, and reach out for support, you may find it difficult to achieve the breakthroughs you desire. Changing habits and patterns takes time and practice. This work can be confronting and challenging. I will be with you every step of the way to support and guide you. If you do your work, with my help, you will absolutely see improvement.

  • It is a big decision to invest in yourself, especially if you’ve spent so much of your life attending to the needs of others, and not using resources to improve your quality of life. So, I’ll ask you - what would it be worth, to have the courage to set the boundaries you need for your health and well-being? What would it be worth, to be able to express yourself in a way that helps others to support you?

    In order to make this possible for varying budgets, we offer two payment options – one lump sum upfront, or three smaller payments over three months.

  • In each session, we will start out with a grounding meditation, then dive into the work. Initially, we set goals together and discuss concrete steps to take. In later sessions, we’ll check in with your progress. We will work on exercises to increase connection to your body and voice. We’ll discuss blocks you are experiencing, and use tools to help clear them. We will curate an expression challenge, just for you, to practice your new skills in real life situation(s). We will digest that together after you’re done – whew! And, finally, we will celebrate your growth!

  • In our 4-month package, where we have time to go deep, we begin on the inside - the relationship you have with the various aspects and parts of yourself.

    Why focus on internal parts and inner dialogues? Because INSIDE us are found the majority of blocks to free, authentic EXTERNAL self-expression. We have many inner “selves” in various relationships to each other. Some are vulnerable children. Some are fierce protectors. Some are internalized abusive, shaming oppressors.

    These inner parts are who flood us with the strong emotions many of us have been conditioned to suppress and judge. But our uncomfortable emotions are where the gold is - they bring us potent messages about what matters, what our boundaries are, where our sense of justice lies, what we value, and who we really are.

    In coaching, we don’t dive into WHY we are formed the way we are inside, but we do explore HOW we are formed inside - who is talking the majority of the time? What parts of us are being suppressed or shamed, and haven’t felt safe even to express to our conscious selves? How do we deal with our oppressive internal critics?

    Creating a sense of safety within, as we learn to lovingly hear and witness the various aspects of ourselves, is foundational to resolving our expression challenges.

    As we experience greater internal harmony and safety, we build the foundation to show up more courageously as our selves on the outside. From there, we work with various tools to support you in overcoming hurdles to your external self-expression.

  • Of COURSE we can do singing! Expression work and singing fuel each other. They’re like peanut butter and jelly. Let’s design a package that’s perfect for your needs.

  • Of course! We can do that. Instead of taking you through my entire process, we’ll focus our time together on one or two expression concerns. Go ahead and book a convo! We’ll discuss your needs and set up a plan to best meet them.

  • I am happy to design a custom package for your needs. Please reach out with your request.

  • If you participate fully in our coaching relationship for 3 months, set clear and attainable goals, attend all your one-on-one sessions, complete the worksheet, use the meditations 5x/week, complete your expression challenge, ask for support frequently, use the clearing tools consistently, and at the end of that time, you still feel you did not make any progress in your goals, I will happily refund your money.

  • One of my core values is that every woman’s spiritual journey is sacred. As I support you on your path, I will also be honest about ways our national and religious cultures create harm. I will always stand for you becoming your own authority.

  • If you are local to Salt Lake City, you have the option to meet in person at my home.

    If you are further away, we will meet over Zoom!

  • I will send you an invite to connect with me via a voice messaging app. During the time we are working together, you can voice message anytime to ask for additional support. Please be clear in your request. I will respond by the following weekday with suggestions and tips. If I’m on vacation with my family, I will respond the weekday after returning (you will have notice of these dates).

Not quite decided yet?

Click here to book a 20-minute one-on-one strategy session with Kristin via phone, to ask your questions about working together.

Or email us at